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Outlet Center Izmit Instagram Competition Rules

Outlet Center Izmit Instagram Competition Rules

This competition is organized outside the scope of the draws and prizes determined by the National Lottery Administration.

The competition is on the Outlet Center Izmit Instagram account ( is being organized.

Yarışmacıların, yarışmaya katılmak için belirtilen gün ve saatler içerisinde belirlenen kurallara uymaları gerekmektedir. Yarışma sonucunda instagram hesabında toplam 3 kişiye 15 Mart 2020 Pazar gününe kadar alınması koşuluyla, Exsus White Pearl 100ml Kadın Parfümü verilecektir. Kazananlar Outlet Center İzmit tarafından yapılacak çekilişle belirlenecektir.

Kazananlar, Outlet Center İzmit hesabını takip edip, “Parfüm, #outletcenterizmit’te Sansiro’dan alınır.” yazan ve 1 arkadaşını etiketleyenler arasından seçilecektir.

Outlet Center İzmit instagram hesabında yer alan Exsus White Pearl 100ml Kadın Parfümü yarışması 02 Mart 2020 Pazartesi günü başlayıp, 08 Mart 2020 Pazar günü 24.00’de sona erecektir. Kazananlar, 09 Mart 2020 Pazartesi günü gün içerisinde instagram hesabımızdan açıklanacaktır.

Outlet Center Izmit reserves the right to change the award date and award details.

The participants who win the prize will be contacted via the Outlet Center İzmit account on Instagram. The prizes won by users who are on the winners list but do not follow the Outlet Center İzmit Instagram account (@outletcenterizmit) through which they participated in the competition will be deemed invalid. Outlet Center İzmit cannot be held responsible for any disruptions in communication.

The personal information provided by the winner in the competition application will be confirmed during the use of the prize.

The prize won cannot be transferred to another person, cannot be used for any commercial purpose, cannot be converted into cash and cannot be returned.

Persons under the age of 18 and Outlet Center Izmit Management employees cannot participate in the competition.

Outlet Center İzmit is not responsible for technical errors that occur on Instagram servers in determining the results of the contest.

Outlet Center Izmit reserves the right to terminate this competition and make changes to the activity conditions at any time.

Kazanan olarak açıklanan yarışmacıların, 15 Mart 2020 Pazar günü mesai saatleri bitimine kadar hediyesini alabilmesi için, Outlet Center İzmit instagram hesabı üzerinden mesaj yoluyla iletişime geçmesi gerekmektedir.

All participants participating in the competition are deemed to have read and accepted the competition terms in advance.

This is the gift that the winners of the competition will receive personally. The gift won will not be sent by cargo in any way.

The contest period may be extended by Outlet Center İzmit. The winners will be announced on the Outlet Center İzmit Instagram account.

Participation after the specified deadline will be excluded from the competition.