Oulet Ins Yarisma

Outlet Center İzmit Facebook and Instagram Competition Rules

This competition is organized outside the scope of the draws and prizes determined by the National Lottery Administration. The competition is organized on the Outlet Center İzmit facebook () and instagram () accounts. In order to participate in the competition, the competitors must comply with the rules determined within the specified days and hours. As a result of the competition, the Instagram account…

Babalar Gunu Outlet Center

Father's Day at Outlet Center Izmit

Father's Day at Outlet Center İzmitFather's Day will be celebrated with fun events at Outlet Center İzmit. Fathers will participate in fun competitions with their children and will be able to win great gifts from Outlet Center İzmit at the end of the competitions.Outlet Center İzmit will host Father's Day events until the evening hours on Sunday, June 16, 2019.

Outlet Center Ramazan Bayrami

Ramadan Feast at Outlet Center Izmit

Turkey's first and real outlet center, Outlet Center İzmit, is ready for Ramadan Feast. Outlet prices for your holiday needs and shopping are waiting for customers in the stores within Outlet Center İzmit. Outlet Center İzmit, for comfortable shopping opportunities after iftar, will be open as of Saturday, May 25, 2019…

Outlet Yarisma Kurallari

Outlet Center Izmit Instagram Competition Rules

This competition is organized outside the scope of the draws and prizes determined by the National Lottery Administration. The competition is organized on the Outlet Center İzmit Instagram account (). In order to participate in the competition, the contestants must comply with the rules determined within the specified days and hours. As a result of the competition, 3 people will be awarded the prize on May 26, 2019…

Outlet Center Izmit Annler Gunu

Mother's Day at Outlet Center Izmit

Mother's Day will be celebrated with fun events at Outlet Center İzmit. Mothers will participate in fun competitions with their children and will win great gifts from Outlet Center İzmit at the end of the competitions. The Outlet Center İzmit Mother's Day, which will last until the evening hours of Sunday, May 12, 2019, Mother's Day…

Outlet Center Ramazan 2019

Outlet Center Izmit Ramadan Events

If you want to experience the Ramadan excitement that you have been longing for, we are waiting for you at Outlet Center İzmit for iftar… Customers who prefer Outlet Center İzmit for Ramadan shopping will experience the privilege of the month of Ramadan on the program dates (on days when the weather conditions are suitable). Every week during the month of Ramadan; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday…

23 Nisan Etkinlik

Children's Day at Outlet Center Izmit

Children will celebrate April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day with fun activities to be held throughout the day at Outlet Center İzmit. Outlet Center İzmit; Within the scope of April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day, award-winning “Traffic” themed…

42.ucuzluk Panayiri Outlet Center Izmit

Outlet Center Izmit 42nd Traditional Discount Fair

Outlet Center İzmit 42nd Traditional Discount Fair This Discount Attracts Many Tourists to İzmit! The best brands with incredible fair prices at Outlet Center İzmit42nd Traditional Discount Fair… Last day is April 28th… Turkey's first and real outlet center, Outlet Center İzmit, every year…

Valentine's Day at Outlet Center Izmit!

 The brands your loved one will love are at Outlet Center İzmit with outlet prices on Valentine's Day. Countless options await you with outlet prices for your Valentine's Day shopping. Those who come to Outlet Center İzmit, where branded and affordable products are offered for sale for Valentine's Day shopping, will enjoy shopping to the fullest. Outlet Center…

Outlet Somestr Tatili Banner 1900x1080 01 1024x582

Semester Break at Outlet Center Izmit

The most beautiful time of winter has come: Long live the mid-term break! Start your holiday fun at Outlet Center İzmit, and let your child and your wallet be happy! Students will experience the excitement of completing the mid-term of the 2018-2019 academic year at Outlet Center İzmit. All special and important days, both affordable…